Rodrigues fruit bat

Rodrigues fruit bat

What does the bat say?
giant panda


Map of Africa
Endangered Status



6 to 8 inches
body length
An average soccer ball is 8.65 inches tall.
Rodrigues fruit bat next to an average sized soccer ball.

The Rodrigues fruit bat's wing span is 2.5 to 3 feet!

fruits are a favorite food

Mangoes, figs, tamarinds, and rose apples are some of the fruits they eat. Like many other fruit bats, Rodrigues fruit bats squeeze the juices and soft pulp out of the fruit, rarely eating the harder parts. They also eat pollen.

colonies roost in trees


Rodrigues fruit bat

Sky puppies

The name “flying fox” comes from the fruit bats’ dog-like face, with their bright eyes and pointy little ears. They have small bodies, and their lightweight bones make it easier for them to fly. Their fur is woolly—golden colored on the head, neck, shoulders, and sometimes back. Their wings are black and not furred. 

Rodrigues fruit bat

Trees, please!

The bats require tall, mature trees in large, contiguous tracts of forest for roosting and breeding. These forests also provide protection from frequent storms such as cyclones, which can easily blow down smaller stands of trees and sweep bats out to sea.

Rodrigues fruit bat mother and baby.

Coming home to roost

A sociable species, Rodrigues fruit bats hang out together (upside down) in rain forest trees. They roost in large groups during the day. Before its numbers were threatened by habitat destruction, storms, and hunting, some of those groups could number 500 or more members. The bats are most active at sunrise, sunset, and at night.

Rodrigues fruit bat holding a piece of fruit.

The nose knows

As frugivores, Rodrigues fruit bats do not need echolocation to find moving food (such as insects). Instead, they have good vision and sense of smell, which allows them to find a meal.