Twins for Rosalita!

A new addition to the Madagascar Forest habitat in Africa Rocks at the Zoo is doubly cute—and twice the fun! Ring-tailed lemur Rosalita gave birth to twin babies in early July, and the adorable boy and girl are keeping her busy.

Hang on tight
At first, the babies—who don’t have names yet—spent a lot of time clinging to their mother’s belly as she moved around the lemur habitat, often nursing and then taking time to relax in the sun. The ring-tailed lemur troop has been very respectful and welcoming of the new additions.

Family matters
Their father, Armand, has been seen grooming Rosalita on occasion—and twin half-siblings Meva and Tsiky have been getting several sneak peeks of their future playmates (they were born back in February).

Up and growing
At about 3 to 4 weeks of age, the twins started to spend time riding on mom’s back; and when they are 3 to 4 months old, Rosalita will encourage the twins to explore and play on their own—and maybe with their older siblings. It’s family time!