New Guinea singing dog



Up to 18 inches tall at the shoulder.

New Guinea singing dogs eat small mammals, small reptiles, and birds.


Agile hunters
Singing dogs have goldish red or black-and-tan coats with white markings. They have a narrow muzzle, petal-shaped ears, and wide cheekbones. Well adapted to hunting in steep areas with thick vegetation, the singing dog’s joints and spine are extremely flexible for a dog—they climb and jump like a cat!

Who's yodeling?
When it comes to sounds, these canids really have their own voice! Most of the singing dog's vocalizations are similar to that of the wolf, dingo, and domestic dog, but their howl is incredibly unique. Sonograms show the howl is similar to the song of the humpback whale! The singing dog’s howl sounds like a yodel, with the tones going up and down. And when in a group, one dog starts singing and others join in at different pitches, each with its own unique voice. Singers also whine, yelp, bark, and scream (a drawn-out yelp).

Family life
Researchers believe that New Guinea singing dogs probably hunt alone and possibly defend a territory in mated pairs. Family groups live together, with both parents raising the puppies. Pups spend most of their day sleeping or playing. Playing reinforces social bonds and is great practice for future hunting expeditions.
New Guinea singing dogs live in Papua New Guinea. style