Drawing a Realistic Tiger
Tigers are sleek, striped animals with many interesting markings that make them special. David studies his subjects carefully, getting to know their individual characteristics as he starts to draw.

1. About Face
Starting with a large oval:
- Highlight the cheekbones
- Add nose at an angle
- Follow a central line down the face
- A slight tear duct S curve edges the mouth
- Strong jaw muscles
- Ears have a larger upper part and lower fold

2. Learning Your Lines
Add some stripes:
- Different tiger subspecies have different stripes
- A Malayan tiger's face stripes are bold
- On the head, stripes radiate out from the middle line
- Tigers have eyeliner-like stripes under their eyes
- Large stripes frame the face
- Tigers have bold whisker spots

3. The Better to See You With
A tiger's intense eyes make them come to life.
- A tiger's pupils are always round
- A dark outline rims the eyes
- Tiny guard hairs stand up near the eyes

4. In Living Color
Add some color:
- Some tigers are orange; others are more yellowish
- Apply lighter colors first, then the darker ones
- Some areas of a tiger are white
- Remember the pink nose!

5. Made in the Shade
Add some subtle shading.
- Cooler colors provide contrast
- Dry brush techniques add texture
- Their eyes have a touch of green in them
- Darker brown mimics shady areas
Remember—have fun! Art is your interpretation of what you see. Ready? Set? Draw a tiger!