- White construction paper
- Aluminum roasting pan (like the ones they sell in grocery stores)
- A fork
- Measuring spoons
- 3 plastic cups
- Cooking oil
- Food coloring
- An apron or old shirt to protect your clothing
- Newspaper

Measure one tablespoon of cooking oil into each plastic cup. Choose three different colors of food coloring, and measure one teaspoon of each color into its own cup (each cup will have one color in it). Stir the mixture in each cup with the fork (wipe it off between colors) until the food coloring is well mixed.

Put layers of newspaper under the aluminum pan to catch any water that splashes. Fill the pan with water, but not all the way to the top. Pour a little bit of one colored oil mixture onto one area of the pan. Then repeat this with the other two colors, on different areas of the pan. What happens? Why do you think this occurs?
To make your own artwork, lay a piece of construction paper on top of the water. After 30 seconds, carefully lift it off and see the effect of the colors on the paper.

Carefully remove your artwork from the mixture in the pan. Lay the wet paper flat on some newspaper, so the colors won't run, and allow it to dry overnight. You can then use your artwork as a greeting card, wrapping paper, or to decorate your walls.